End of the world 2012 ??

Many of us have heard about the date 2012. There is even a Hollywood movie called 2012 where the whole Earth is destroyed by giant earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. If you search around the internet you will find alot of information on the subject. Even the NASA says that the Sun´s activity will be so great around 2012 that they are unsured of what is about to happen. So much information is out there that is confusing to understand whats happening.

Chilam Balam was a Mayan priest who lived in the Yucatan peninsula more than 500 years ago. His main function as a priest was to read and interpret the significance and implications of the sacred texts and prophecies making oracle lectures using the Tzolkin. The book of Chilam Balam survived the fire of the burning of all Mayan books by the Catholic church. This book and a few hyrogliphics on stones is all that remains about the prophecy. A prophecy that is written in verses and metaphors as an oracle.

The Tzolkin, known as the sacred Mayan calendar, is a tool of oracles; an intergalactic compass to guide us. In nature everything happens in cycles like spirals and fractal mathematics. Alcyone is the central star of the Pleiadian Star System, and our Sun is the outermost star of this system. The 26,000 year long orbit of our Sun and Solar System around Alycone is about to take place. The Tzolkin is the counter, and the 26,000 year cycle is about to end on December 23, 2012. But this does not mean that is the end of the world. The Earth has being around for alot more than 26,000 years. It is the end of a 26,000 year cycle and the beginning of another. It is the end of an age and the beginning of another. And we are very lucky to be here to witness such a great change that is about to happen.

It is the end of the world as you know it when you begin to wake up and free yourself from the conditioned mind. Religion and money have conditioned humans to where we are now; On the edge of self extinction. We have lost touch with who we really are by the veil of a conditioned ego. The tzolkin serves as a tool to wake up your cosmic memory. An internal revolution-evolution. To be free with only one rule: Don´t do to others what you would not like to be done to yourself. Looking at it from outer space, an embryogenesis is taking place.

Paper was made from a tree bark like this for writing hyrogliphics.

This stone in Coba has hyrogliphics about the 2012 prophecy.

The Tzolkin is a galactic compass.

From observatories like this, the Mayan priests watched the stars.

The Kukulkan pyramid is a reminder of the cycles.

For more information check out the following links:







Not only the Mayas know about this event, but other cultures as far away as India know this as well. Coincidence? I don´t believe in coincidence anymore. Its synchronicity. Here is a link to a free e-book on 2012 that explains about the photon belt and the new age of light written by Indians.

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